Negative Emotion

If you have a body, you are entitled to the full range of feelings.
It comes with the package.
-Anne Lamott

It would seem that some kinds of emotions are a disgrace.
-Theodore Roethke

It is very difficult to accept in others
emotions you cannot accept in yourself.
-Nathaniel Branden

He disliked emotion, 
not because he felt lightly, but because he felt deeply.
-John Buchan 

Many of us spend our whole lives running from feeling
with the mistaken belief that we cannot bear the pain.
But we have already borne the pain.
What we have not done is feel all that we are beyond that pain.
-Kahlil Gibran

Deep down, at our core,
there are only two emotions: love and fear.
All positive emotions come from love,
all negative emotions come from fear.
From love flows happiness, contentment, peace and joy.
From fear comes anger, hater, anxiety and guilt.
-David Kessler

Let's not forget that the little emotions
are the great captains of our lives
and we obey them without realizing it.
-Vincent van Gogh

Every single person is vulnerable to unexpected defeat
in this inmost emotional self.
-Ted Hughes

Emotions may pluck
if let to play the strings of one's violin.
-Carolyn Mary Kleefeld

Where we have strong emotions,
we are likely to fool ourselves.
-Carl Sagan

The degree of one's emotion
varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts -
the less you know the hotter you get.
-Bertrand Russell

Twixt you and me
There's too much emotion.
That's the reason why
There's such a commotion!
-Madame Kuan

Compelling reason
will never convince blinding emotion.
-Richard Bach

The emotions aren't always
immediately subject to reason,
but they are always immediately subject to action.
-William James

Emotion turning back on itself,
and not leading on to thought or action,
is the element of madness.
-John Sterling

Negative emotions exist
because we do not live with reverence.
-David Frawley

A painful emotion
is just a signal you've left the center.
-Stephen Mitchell

Control your emotions
or they will control you.

When we direct our thoughts properly,
we can control our emotions.
-W. Clement Stone

Emotions are like guests.
They should be treated very nicely and gently
and sent away if they don't fit in.
-Yogi Bhajan

Feelings are just visitors,
let them come and go.
-Anthony Paul Moo-Young, "Mooji"

A clear understanding of negative emotions
dismisses them.
-Vernon Howard

I don't bother with my negative emotions.
I don't trust them;
I don't listen to them.
-Theresa Bayer

The secret of life
is never to have an emotion that is unbecoming.
-Oscar Wilde

Whenever you are feeling an extreme emotion,
whether it be anger, hurt, despair or even bliss,
and you act on that feeling, there can be no clarity.
True action or inaction has to come from what lies beneath feelings...
In the core of matter, in the core of any emotion,
however horrendous, lies peace.
-Merle Antoinette Roberson (Toni), "Gangaji"

Fearlessly we digest our moment-to-moment experiences of life.
We learn to live so cleanly that not a trace of emotional residue remains,
no fear, desire, regret, nostalgia, rage or dissatisfaction.

By keeping your emotions clear,
emotional negativity does not reside in you,
and you become lighter and lighter.
-Gary Zukav